Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Taking Stock

An attribute I value highly in myself is creativity. My upbringing has allowed me to be able to use my imagination and express myself freely stimulating my right-brain, but children these days seem to be missing out on such wonders. Yes, technology can be used as another medium to express creativity as opposed to sidewalk chalk and finger paint, but children should be exposed to all sorts of mediums with which to express their creativity. I even read a couple years ago that schools cutting budget expenses cut the music and art programs first! Children don't just need to have book knowledge and be able to regurgitate memorized information; they need to explore their creative side as well to be a well-rounded person.

I was never one to keep up with a diary or journal as a teenager, but I did keep a small journal with blank, unlined pages that I used to write down my stream of consciousnesses. It has sketches, pictures, poems, rants, and just about everything that popped into my head. It was a good outlet for me, and I kept it for years. Now, I refer back to it for inspiration for some of my designs. See? Being creative as a child can be beneficial in one's adult life.

I understand people who say, "I can't draw!" or "I don't have a creative bone in my body!" because I'm sure it's true for some people, but creativity is so much more than just art. Music, for one, can be very creative whether it's playing an instrument, composing, or singing. Even designing websites, creating html, writing, and graffiti can be seen as inventive. 

Creativity should be encouraged, not cut out of school budgets or put on a lower pedestal because it isn't on the SAT. Everyone should exercise their right brain occasionally; one might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.


  1. I absolutely agree. I never really appreciated sketching and random acts of doodling until I came to college. I have seen so many people use their old sketches and designs in their current projects and I envy them. It is definitely something I wish I had done when I was younger and be encouraged to do.

  2. I agree! Whenever I was young all the way up to college I have always expressed myself on a blank sheet of paper. Either through drawings, my writings, or quotes of encouragement. Creative programs should not be taken out of schools, because if you ask the youth who have been the most influential to them, you mostly get artists, singers, or actors.
