Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sustainable Solutions

Sustainability has always been a part of my life. My mother is an Environmental Engineer at Dobbins Air Reserve Base and is in charge of all hazardous waste as a small part of her job duties. She has been doing this job for 20+ years, so we have always recycled our trash at home because she saw the impact it made on the base. I guess my mother was used to it anyways because in NY you have to recycle, and a truck comes by to pick it up just like the garbage man.

I'm sure if every state did this, people would be more likely to recycle because that's the number one reason people don't recycle. It is inconvenient. I'm even a culprit of not recycling due to laziness. I've tried to recycle the past 3 years, but it never works out for multiple reasons. Last year, it was because neither my roommate nor I ever drove past the recycling center to drop off our recyclables.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I would like to look into what kind of services Bulloch county offers for picking up recycling. I know there are multiple recycling centers, but I would like for somebody to come pick it up for me because I never have time to drive out of my way or think about dropping it off. I could even start a program that picks up recycling if I find that there are no such programs in place.

After a fellow interior design student put recycling bags in the studio lab next to the trash can, I saw just how much our small studio classes can recycle on our own. I alone filled up half of the aluminum can bag with my Dr. Pepper cans...

Maybe I can recycle at home then bring my bags to campus and dump them in the school's recycling bins. Georgia Southern University has them all over campus, being an environmentally conscious school, and I go to campus every day. It would be very convenient.


  1. I never knew that about your mother my father works for government and he deals with money that has to do with cleaning up bases for the public to use and vice versa. Our parents may have worked together and never knew.

  2. I feel recycling is becoming very important and it should become mandatory in every state. It should also be more available in college dorms and apartments.

  3. I remember your mom being a help with our parks project last year. I have always looked up to people that recycle especially here in Statesboro. Growing up here, I know that to recycle means taking the products to the recycle bins. I do believe it were easier for our community to make it a priority it would be easier and always on their mind to think more "green".

  4. I see where the engineering is coming from.. I had no idea your mom was an Environmental Engineer! It is comforting that there are other professions out there that are doing their best to improve the environment we all have to live in!

    You should on that recycling pick-up idea.. since you are going to be here for quite a while longer!

  5. How you were raised greatly affects what and how you do things now. Thanks to your mom, you hold recycling and the idea of sustainability on a pedestal. You will not only influence the people around you now (Statesboro), but your clients later on.
