Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

2014 starts today. Another year older, perhaps another year wiser, but still no progress in the design field. I am not having much luck with job searching, mainly because of my lack of experience. I want so badly to be an interior designer for a commercial company, but every job I apply for and every interview I go on, it's the same results. No job. No experience. No further opportunities. Some have been helpful with passing my name along and saying they will call me if a position is available, but I am rapidly losing hope. I love interior design and I will not stop applying for positions, but it is starting to slip away from me. 

It has been a year since I graduated, and I am worried that the longer I don't have a job in the design field, the less likely I am to get one. I could always look into getting certifications like LEED and NCIDQ, but those are expensive. I still want both of those certifications, but I was hoping to have a job that would reimburse/pay for it for me.

Now that I am working in a daycare as an Early Education Teacher, I have discovered that I thoroughly enjoy teaching. I am looking into perhaps getting a Masters in Elementary Education. Maybe I should switch careers before I even get started. Maybe become a teacher, and eventually save up money to start my own design business later. 

A New Year. New possibilities. Perhaps, a new career.