Wednesday, February 20, 2013

BS in Interior Design

So, it's been a while since I've been on my blog. Obviously, the 365 day challenge didn't work out, but I am going to start using this blog again for design.

For starters, I am an official graduate of Georgia Southern University with a BS in Interior Design! That's exciting! I am continuing my education because I want a masters degree, so I was pursuing Mechanical Engineering. Unfortunately  I found it just as boring this time as I did 4 years ago when I first went to college. So, I am now working towards a PhD. in Psychology (I'll get my masters along the way).

I am very interested in cognitive behavior and mental trauma  I am just fascinated by the ways the mind protects itself from traumatic events like multiple personality disorder, and I want to study why people do the things they do - mainly pertaining to criminal behavior. I also thoroughly enjoy my Child Psychology class I am taking at the moment, and I believe if I pursued this path, I could apply it to my Interior Design degree and perhaps work on children-focused buildings - hospitals, day care centers, entertainment, etc.

I'm excited to have my degree, but now, I'm ready to start life and a career.